Redemption at the Cross:
The Redemption of the Cross.
Jesus came to save sinners like me, not for the righteous. Christ redeems the lost. The term, purchase possession is worth understanding; the guarantee of our inheritance until the day of redemption, to the praise and glory of God. Eph.1:14
What does it mean to have the promise of redemption through Christ the Messiah?
What is the Day of Redemption? The first group receive their new body at the "Rapture" The day when what we have done in this world with the imperishable seed is rewarded at the coming of the Cloud Rider(Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 24:30, Matthew 26:64,Revelation 17 and .., ) , Jesus is the Cloud Rider. 1 John speacks of the imperishable seed the God has installed in us. 1 Corinthians 15 speaks of the seed that is risen imperishable, when death is swallowed up in victory for those that are ready at His coming in the clouds of heaven with glory. If you have been enabled to her His Word and received Jesus as Lord, you are justified by your faith alone and have received the abundant grace of God unto salvation. You and I have received the first fruits of redemption through the work of God in Christ and the Holy Spirit. But as you have noticed we still struggle against powers and principalies and the rules of darkness, namely the Prince of this Age. We be dead in Christ and alive to God in the inner man but our cross of the flesh still exists for now until the day of redemption we must walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh or old man nature. (Galatians 5:16)